
2013-04-14T17:28:42+02:0014 april 2013|

Henk Smid (Variass Electronics B.V.) Chairman Eric-Jan Dekker (Post en Dekker B.V.) Vice Chairman Ferry van de Pasch (HTR Rubber and Foam) Treasurer     Martin van Acht (Tegema) Sector Chairman System Developers (SD) Corné van Opdorp (BOZ Group B.V.) Sector Chairman Sheet Metalworking Industry Group (GPI) Arno Wendrich (Habets B.V.) Sector Chairman Dutch Heavy Machining [...]

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2013-04-14T17:28:42+02:0014 april 2013|

Whether it involves professionalization, internationalization, trade fairs, regulations, grants or market research, NEVAT keeps its members up to date with relevant developments. Furthermore, as a member of NEVAT, you will have exclusive access to interesting information. By visiting large subcontractors both at home and abroad, information that a subcontractor would not normally give to an [...]

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